Freezing Friday!!!
Happy Friday!!!!
Support small businesses
It's Hump Day maybe even Friday!!!!
U.G.L.Y. wants wish everyone a wonderful and productive Wednesday/ Hump day. We are approaching Thanksgiving, so please be safe in your travels and enjoy spending this time with your family and friends. It's beautiful weather here in our great state of Utah, so get out and get those last minute items for Thanksgiving. We are suoer excited to go play a little coed football with awesome friends great start to our Thanksgiving 2014. Stay positive today I know you have several things to get done and time is flying by, so try this take a deep breathe, hold your head up high, and smile. It works trust me..
U.G.L.Y. is sticking by our motto Positive=Positive
We are pushing to spread the word and give our message. The message that has saved our lives and given us the strength to continue to grow our own personal goals. Being strong, educated, spiritual, giving individuals. Who are here to make the differences needed to help anyone that will find growth, love, and happiness from our message.
So… time for trying new things, taking chances on yourself, and breaking down the walls in order to be yourself.
No matter what life throws at you. Take it…look at it….think about it…..and realize why it is making you feel the way you do. And know that your reaction is yours. We can react anyway…but keep it positive. Find the best in every situation. You must!!
Live in the Moment!!! Happily!!!
Have a Beautiful Blessed Day!!!
If we can help please contact us at fb UGLY utah girls love you
Much Love,
U.G.L.Y. Utah Girls Love You
Terrific Tuesday!!!
U.G.L.Y hopes everyone a terrific and productive Tuesday!! What a great day! The weather has been cold make sure to bundle up. When, I saw this quote I knew it would be great to help inspire everyone today. I hope that it reaches everyone the way it touched us. Enjoying everyday and being thankful for all you have is key to achieving a positive attitude.
Things can only get better and better as long as you are wanting it to get better. Taking certain steps such as, keep the positive flowing, think positive, and be loving. It’s simple steps but being truly positive is actually very difficult task to achieve everyday. It will work. Believe. Have faith that it will.
Keep your eyes open for all the signs around you and let them in. The signs are everywhere. We believe that Everything happens for a reason. Life is like a big puzzle, and suddenly….the pieces start fitting and then it begins to make more sense. It will happen!!!!
Stay strong through all of the challenges life throws your way and think of them as learning blocks. The good. The bad. and the U.G.L.Y….. ;) all will work out if you are working on it each and everyday. Keep on smiling no matter what and believe in Positive=Positive
Keep your eyes on U.G.L.Y and help us help all be Happy. Single Mommy Project we are collecting for a few families a small sub for Santa. Helping hands projects we will be going back to give a helping hand to the less fortunate again in December details to come.
Have a great day. If we can help contact us at Facebook UGLY utah girls love you
Much Love,
U.G.L.Y. Utah Girls Love You.
Marvelous Monday!!!
U.G.L.Y. wants to wish everyone a marvelous and productive Monday!!
U.G.L.Y. believes that with determination and drive we will make a difference in Utah, seeing that diversity is the key to a great Utah. Willing to give a helping hand to others that have lost their way in life, we hope to show that anything is possible. Through hard work, determination, and love in our hearts we know we will meet our goal of bring our diversity to the heart of Utah and continue to thrive. With U.G.L.Y. starting with a small idea and we still have the passion and drive to stomp our way to make differences here in Utah, it is truly our ULTIMATE U.G.L.Y.
U.G.L.Y. is enjoying sticking to our motto of “Positive = Positive”.
We are pushing to spread the word and give our message. The message that has saved our lives and also given us the strength to continue to grow with our personal goals. Message: Be strong, educated, spiritual, giving individuals. We are here to make the differences needed to help anyone that is willing to find growth, love, and happiness from our message.
So, time for trying new things, taking chances on yourself, and breaking down the walls in order to be yourself.
Let’s get out there everyone and make a difference..
Truth is Happiness
Have a great Monday!!!!
U.G.L.Y. Utah Girls Love You
If we can help contact us @
#moreslc #positive #love #inspire #makeadifference #happiness #Truth #mom #believe # blessings #dream #hope #faith #love #acceptance
It's Freakin' Friday!!!
U.G.L.Y. wants to wish everyone a fabulous and productive Friday. We are so excited for T.G.I.F, there are many of great this going on this weekend it cold out there I am sure the skiers are crossing their fingers for more snow this weekend.
We know that the path with the greatest resistance is the one with the greatest outcome. We are only given what we can handle and what we do with it is all in your reaction. The path may seem extremely unbearable, and we may think that there is no way we can do what we need to, or handle what we've have been given. But…. YOU CAN. Yes you can do it! Believe you can do it. Deep down in your soul. We are all given the strength to do anything. Yes You can!
Remembering to bring the Positive along with you down your paths will make them easier to achieve. :)
NO to Negative!!!!! Do not allow it!! Life is to short……. It’s up to you. Your world is as beautiful as you make it!
So…..Make it Yours!!!!! Live, Laugh, Love and make the World Smile Today!!
Have a Fabulous Friday!! Thank you to the skies above and being Grateful. Always. Always.
Watch your world change when you do. It may take time but have faith, be patient, and keep the good flowing.
If we can help please contact us at
Much Love,
U.G.L.Y. Utah Girls Love You
Art by U.G.L.Y.
Local artist that inspires U.G.L.Y. daily...Hope everyone is having a fab day..
Thrilling Thursday!!!
U.G.L.Y. wants to wish everyone a thrilling and productive Thursday!!!
We are pushing to spread the word of our message. The message that has saved our lives and also given us the strength to continue to grow with our personal goals. Message: Be strong, educated, spiritual, and giving to others. We are wanting to make the differences needed to help anyone that is willing to find growth, love, and happiness from our message.
Through our journey of developing U.G.L.Y. Utah Girls Love You, we have seen our fair share of negativity. Understanding that our reaction is key to changing the negative into a positive. With U.G.L.Y. starting from the basement floor with a small idea and we still have the passion and drive to stomp our way to make differences here in Utah, it is truly our ULTIMATE U.G.L.Y.
U.G.L.Y. is enjoying sticking to our motto of “Positive = Positive”.
So, time for trying new things, taking chances on yourself, and breaking down the walls in order to be yourself.
Let’s get out there everyone and make a difference.. Stay tuned for the information on the Single Mommy Project, developing this project has been such a great opportunity for us to get out in the community and see the needs of others. So, we are working on it daily to reach out to others with our helping hand. We will have details to come soon!! Watch for shout outs and lets help support locally owned and operating Utah businesses.
Truth is Happiness
Have a thrilling thursday!!!!
Much Love,
U.G.L.Y. Utah Girls Love You
a href="">
Happy Wednesday aka Hump Day!!!!
U.G.L.Y wishes everyone a wonderful and productive Wednesday aka “Hump Day”. Yes! It’s hump day and we have made it half through the week(deep breath). It is such a blessing to be able to help others and actually make a difference for the good in peoples lives…….Simply Amazing.:)
Once again….Thank you everyone for all the Love and Support! You all Rock beyond words!!!!
When we SEE the bigger picture.,accept it, and live life in a POSITIVE WAY…..It will just keeps on coming. We know… and believe with all of hearts. Do your best at all your do, whistle while you work and laugh! Laugh as much as you can. Its so good for the soul!! AND VERY CONTAGIOUS!! :)
We really only have 2 choices. We can choose to be HAPPY…. or choose not to be. Personally……we choose HAPPY. :) It brings on happiness and life is too short to not be happy!!
Life is unpredictable and there will always be curve balls thrown in to the mix, but it is all in our reaction how to deal with the curve balls. So try to be grateful for what you have, spread the love, make sure to always laugh, and always try be happy… Things will work out as long as you try everyday!!! Keep your eyes open. Their are signs everywhere and in everything, if you want to see them.
So, give it a try for just one day. Try to see and hear the signs around you. This takes being patients, so pay attention, open up your soul, inhale every piece of inhale piece of knowledge possible, and last but not least implement with positive vibes. Everything does happens for a one reason or another I guess this is what makes up our lives. It may not make sense at that moment, but it will eventually show the reason. Pay attention close attention to your reaction. Its kinda strange and marvelous at the same time!!
We are so excited for tomorrow and everyday to come! We have lots of big things on the horizon. We can not wait to share our love, try to inspire, and help others. Everyone’s perception of reality is different, but we all know in our souls the truth. It’s there! Open up and let it in!! Let's have a Fabulous life!!
Shout Outs tomorrow! yay!!! Please Let us know if there is anything we can do for you ! Reach us at
Have a wonderful day!!
Much Love,
U.G.L.Y. Utah Girls Love You
Thriving Tuesday!!!
U.G.L.Y. wants to wish everyone a terrific and productive Tuesday!!
When we realize that we all have struggles in life…and at the end of the day we all have them. When we begin to understand that, we can all offer a helping hand to someone who may need it…. and it can make all the difference in someone else’s world.
We must always remember to be thankful for all the lessons we have learned in our lives. Remember, that we are blessed for the what we do have and try your hardest not to get stuck in a rut of thinking about the things that we do not have or if things that are not going our way. If we keep thinking negative, it keeps the negative coming….Try and change it into a positive and the positive will keep coming.
It’s hard. Sometimes it’s so hard when everything just seems to be coming down around you and not making any sense. That’s when you need to sit back, reevaluate the whole situation and try to see the reason behind what is happening. There is a reason. There is a lesson to be learned. When this happens it can take us to the next level of the direction we are going in our lives. We must be ready for that next level. No matter where it may be and all the challenges we face will to help us to be prepared.
It is our life. Ours for the taking. We can write our own book. Our own story. We just have to grab hold of our lives and push it in the direction that we want it to go. Being thankful and having gratitude can change everything. The more we say our Thank Yous to the sky…the more we will have to be grateful for.
When we open up our minds and our souls to all the signs around us we will see that everything we need is right in front of us. We must want things wholeheartedly to truly see and feel the changes that can be made. Our minds are very powerful when we use them at the fullest capability. When we SEE our true potential, we are able to grow and change our path in life.
Keep smiling, keep loving, keep helping others, and keep being true and honest to yourself. Be thankful, be grateful, and don’t allow yourself to get stuck in a negative snowball that will just get bigger and bigger. Make it a positive one…and watch the good come.
Ask for the good…WILL IT. Say it out loud. We can have anything, we want to work for in this life.
Have a beautiful week and keep smiling and laughing. Spread the love.
If there is anything we can do to help please contact us at
Much Love,
U.G.L.Y. Utah Girls Love You
Marvelous Monday!!!
<a href="">
U.G.L.Y. wants wish everyone a marvelous and productive Monday. U.G.L.Y.'S Single Mommy Project was a great success. We were able get a fabulous group of single mommies help out with handing out water, bananas, blankets, coats, and 25+ bags of clothes. Giving back to Utahns that are less fortunate and living in the cold. This was an eye opening experience for many of our moms to see the struggles local Utahns suffer through everyday. Realizing that the need for help is out there and so close to home and it doesn't take much to help to offer a helping hand to others. We truly appreciate the awesome work with donations and others helping hands. Especially want to thank Kid to Kid in Lindon, Healthwatch, family, and friends for all the donations.
Single mommy project was developed to help single Utah parents with a helping hand to find themselves and having the proper tools needed to be best parents and fulfill their children's needs. Utah Girls Love You wants to help give the skills we have or have developed to others.
Positive= Positive Happiness is truth..
Have a marvelous day and if you can offer helping and we urge you to do so. If we can help with anything please contact us
Muah, U.G.L.Y. Utah Girls Love You
Single Mommy Project!!!
U.G.L.Y. hopes everyone has a safe and productive Saturday. Single Mommy Project was a success!!! Thank you girls for your help with this project.. More details and pictures coming soon..Muah!!
U.G.L.Y. Utah Girls Love Youa href="">
Simply Saturday!!!
Freezing Friday!!!
U.G.L.Y. wants to wish everyone a fabulous and productive Friday. We are so excited for T.G.I.F, most of the state has seen their first snow fall cold out here this morning, but there are many of great things going on this weekend here in our great state of Utah. Oh ya! Oh ya! Don't forget to slow and be caution on the roads everyone..
We know that the path with the greatest resistance is the one with the greatest outcome. We are only given what we can handle and what we do with it is ours. The path may seem extremely unbearable and we may think that there is no way we can do what we need to, but YOU CAN. Yes you can do it! Believe you can do it. Deep down in your soul. We are all given the strength to do anything. Yes You can!
U.G.L.Y. is enjoying sticking to our motto of “Positive = Positive”.
NO to Negative!!!!! Do not allow it!! Anywhere in your life. Life is to short……. It’s up to you. Your world is as beautiful as you make it!
So…..Make it Yours!!!!! Live, Laugh, Love and make the World Smile Today!!
Have a Fabulous Friday!! Thank you to the skies above and being Grateful. Please offer a simple smile that may change someone entire day.
If we can help please contact us at
Much Love,
U.G.L.Y. Utah Girls Love You
Happy Thursday!!!
U.G.L.Y. wants to wish everyone a thriving and productive Thursday.
This definition has been on my mind for sometime now and I thought we would share the meaning of codependency. I remember the day I realized that I was taught codependency by most of the people whom were close to me and held the most important role in my life… my PARENTS. As we have been developing U.G.L.Y. Utah Girls Love You, I have had to learn about myself and see the wrong choices I have made in my life. And the biggest question of all is do I now take responsibility for the choices?… or push it off to others. For me, I have had to take responsibility for all of my choices and this has been really hard to open my eyes too, see my part, and take full responsibility of my life.
Realizing that I was codependent with every aspect of my life, I would blame everyone in my path. These steps I now see were very difficult to overcome. But through sheer determination to change my life for my children, myself and all those I love, I have finally taken responsibility and have now forgiven myself for all of my choices. I feel that realizing and forgiving are the biggest keys to change in a person. It is to evolve and be happy in this beautiful thing we call LIFE.
Happiness is truth….
If we can do anything to help contact us at
Much love,
U.G.L.Y. Utah Girls Love You
Happy Wednesday aka Hump day!!!
U.G.L.Y. hopes everyone had a wonderful and productive "Hump Day".
U.G.L.Y. is enjoying sticking to our motto of “Positive = Positive. We are pushing to spread the word and give our message. The message that has saved our lives and given us the strength to continue to grow with own personal goals. Being strong, educated, spiritual, and give to others. Individuals whom are want to make the differences needed to help anyone that will find growth, love, and happiness from our message.
So… time for trying new things, taking chances on yourself, and breaking down the walls in order to be yourself.
No matter what life throws your way be sure to embrace it, face it, and realize why it is making you feel the way you do. Now realizing that your reaction is key and keep it positive and productive. Find the best in every situation. You must!!
Live in the Moment! Happy!!
Have a Beautiful Blessed Evening!!!
Email us with any
Much Love,
U.G.L.Y. Utah Girls Love You
Happy Veteran's Day!!!
U.G.L.Y wants to wish everyone a safe and memorable Veteran's Day. We hold Veterans Day very close to our hearts. This picture is very memorable to me personally, when Americans raised the Flag on Iwo Jima, February 23,1945 in Japan during World War II. I remember being grilled about this day every year on my birthday ( February 23rd) and I remember a this certain gentlemen, would ask me what what happened on that particular day in 1945. I didn't realize it then, but this person would become someone, I highly respect even with his strange ways later in life and later understand the influence that is person was teaching. That's story behind why I chose this picture for today's blog.
U.G.L.Y. wants to thanks all of our family members that have served to give our protection daily, to all the men and women who are serving actively now and to the men and women are able to retire in hold their head high. We would especially like to thank the families of our fallen who have sacrificed more than any one person should be asked to sacrifice but did with honors to all the men and women whom have lost their life in protecting the United States of America. God bless America
Positivd=Positive Happiness is truth...
Contact us at Utahgirlsloveyou@
Much love, U.G.L.Y. Utah Girls Love You
Marvelous Monday!!!
U.G.L.Y. wants to wish everyone a productive and glorious Monday!!!
Through this journey of developing U.G.L.Y. Utah Girls Love You, we have seen our share of negativity. But truly understanding that ourreaction is key to changing the negative into a positive. With U.G.L.Y. starting from the basement floor with a small idea and we still have the passion and drive to stomp our way to make differences here in Utah, it is truly our ULTIMATE U.G.L.Y.
U.G.L.Y. is enjoying sticking to our motto of “Positive = Positive”.
We are pushing to spread the word and give our message. The message that has saved our lives and also given us the strength to continue to grow with our personal goals. Message: Be strong, educated, spiritual, giving individuals. We are here to make the differences needed to help anyone that is willing to find growth, love, and happiness from our message.
So, time for trying new things, taking chances on yourself, and breaking down the walls in order to be yourself.
Let’s get out there everyone and make a difference..
Truth is Happiness
Have a great Monday!!!!
Much Love,
U.G.L.Y. Utah Gou
If we can help contact us @
#moreslc #positive #love #inspire #makeadifference #happiness #Truth #mom #believe # blessings #dream #hope #faith #love #acceptance
Happy Sunday!
U.G.L.Y. wants to wish everyone a safe and peaceful Sunday. Look for the rainbows in everything today. The bright and beautiful in everything. It is always there. We just must open our hearts, open our souls and eyes and see….
Its a beautiful Sunday. A great day to look at our last week and see what we have learned to make the next week all that much better. We must not dwell in the past, or get to anxious for the future. Be happy in the moment, but take your lessons learned everyday to make each new day better. Life is all ours and we must make it that way.
We are here for a purpose and we all are given a gift, many gifts. When we take time to sit and realize what we are exceptionally good at, we can build it, and use it to help ourselves and others. A whole new world opens up. A bright beautiful one.
We must give everything our all and fight til the end for what we want and what we truly believe in our heart and souls. Bring back the innocence that we all once had. The non judgmental innocence, true, and pure. Its always been there, find it, and use it.
Thank the heavens and the stars everyday as much as you possibly can for everything we do have. Be GRATEFUL. Find the best in every situation and look at it. Find the purpose. Because…..Everything….Everything happens for a reason.
HAPPINESS is Truth...
Much Love,
U.G.L.Y. Utah Girls Love You
contact us