When it's the worst... you must TRY the HARDEST...
Have a Beautiful Saturday.
Fantastic Friday!!!
U.G.L.Y. wants to wish everyone a fabulous and productive Friday. We are so excited for T.G.I.F. The weather will be getting a little cooler, but there are many great things going on this weekend here in our great state of Utah. Oh ya! Oh ya!
Through this journey of developing U.G.L.Y. Utah Girls Love You, we have seen our share of negativity. But we truly understand that our reaction is key to changing the negative into a positive. U.G.L.Y. started from the basement floor with a small idea and we still have the passion and drive to stomp our way to make differences here in Utah. It is truly our ULTIMATE goal for U.G.L.Y.
U.G.L.Y. is enjoying sticking to our motto of “Positive = Positive”.
NO to Negative!!!!! Do not allow it!! Anywhere in your life. Life is to short……. It’s up to you. Your world is as beautiful as you make it!
So…..Make it Yours!!!!! Live, Laugh, Love and make the World Smile Today!!
Have a Fabulous Friday!! Say your Thank yous to the skies above and be Grateful. Please offer a simple smile that may change someone entire day.
If we can help please contact us at utahgirlsloveyou@gmail.com
Much Love,
U.G.L.Y. Utah Girls Love You
Thriving Thursday!!!
U.G.L.Y. wants to wish everyone a thriving and productive Thursday. The challenge for today is to helping hand to others. We never know what others have on their plate and we can not assume we know what someone is thinking or feeling. It’s a harder challenge today and we hope everyone takes this challenge from U.G.L.Y. with offering a small gesture of kindness and we hope it is to a stranger. So, get out there and help make in a difference in someone day or maybe their life.
We have been on a mission here at Utah Girls Love You to offer a helping hand to whom wants take our gestures to make a difference in people’s lives with simple things such as; accepting and loving people no matter their status or circumstances. OUR GOAL IS TO JUST BE ACCEPTING TO ALL FELLOW UTAHNS OR AMERICANS, THIS IS SOMETHING VERY IMPORTANT TO US AND TO TEACH OUR CHILDREN DIVERSITY, NONJUDGMENTAL, AND LAST BUT NOT LEAST ALWAYS OFFER A HELPING HAND TO THOSE WHOM ARE NEED!!!!!
Happiness is truth…
Single Mommy Project- we have been collecting donations to take to the shelter on November 15th 2014, if you have not donate there's still time to get involve. Needed items: Coats, boots, and other winter apparel. If you have donation contact us at the email below. Thanks for all the love and support...
If we can do anything to give a helping hand please contact us at utahgirlsloveyou@gmail.com
Please leave your comments when you take the challenge and the end result or experience with our challenge. We love the feedback.
Much love,
U.G.L.Y. Utah Girls Love You
Marvelous Monday!!!
U.G.L.Y. wants everyone a marvelous and productive Monday.
Encouraging women to love, support, and encourage one another to strive for their goals and happiness. Together we should help encourage each other to soar for the stars and if she should fall short, we can cheer them on to and continue in their journey of seeking their own excellence. So, let’s come together and make the difference to help women grow, soar, and believe in ourselves to find happiness among us. Women are strong, loving, and nurturing so naturally we can make a difference in each other lives.
Happiness is Truth
Much love,
U.G.L.Y Utah Girls Love You
contact us utahgirlsloveyou@gmail.com
Just BE...
U.G.L.Y. is 100% positive that we should be happy with who we are and BE who you are. Don't let the feelings or thoughts or words of others change how your truly feel about your being, your self worth or your soul. You are who you are and we all have our faults. But...we all have our GREATNESS'S. Be who you believe. Believe you are golden, and the world will be your oyster.
Moments in time are always coming and forever changing. We must accept every situation for what it is. Because it is what it is...Always. So we must try and make the best of every moment, every situation. Cherish them. Learn from them.
Be proud of who you are and Keep on Keeping on the positive right path and the good will keep on coming to you!!
Dream Big to Get Big.
Much Love,
U.G.L.Y......Utah Girls Love You!!
U.G.L.Y. wants to wish everyone a safe and productive weekend.
We are excited for today. We are headed out to give a Helping Hand to a local senior citzen and help clean out his cluttered garage. We will let you all know how it goes. Remember to always try and do your daily good deed. When you help others you help yourself!
Thank you for all of the Love and Support.
Positive = Positive
Happiness is truth.
Local artist-R.M.
Much love,
U.G.L.Y.Utah Girls Love You
Thrivings Thursday!!!
U.G.L.Y. wants to wish everyone a thriving and productive Thursday.
This definition has been on my mind for sometime now and I thought we would share the meaning of codependency. I remember the day I realized that I was taught codependency by most of the people whom were close to me and held the most important role in my life... my PARENTS. As we have been developing U.G.L.Y. Utah Girls Love You, I have had to learn about myself and see the wrong choices I have made in my life. And the biggest question of all is do I now take responsibility for the choices?... or push it off to others. For me, I have had to take responsibility for all of my choices and this has been really hard to open my eyes too, see my part, and take full responsibility of my life.
Realizing that I was codependent with every aspect of my life, I would blame everyone in my path. These steps I now see were very difficult to overcome. But through sheer determination to change my life for my children, myself and all those I love, I have finally taken responsibility and have now forgiven myself for all of my choices. I feel that realizing and forgiving are the biggest keys to change in a person. It is to evolve and be happy in this beautiful thing we call LIFE.
Happiness is truth....
If we can do anything to help contact us at utahgirlsloveyou@gmail.com
Much love,
U.G.L.Y. Utah Girls Love You
Champ Bailey Retires!!!
Champ Bailey loved NFL corner-back is hanging up his jersey. After being cut from the Saint's training camp in August. Bailey announces his retirement Tuesday October 29, 2014 from the NFL. Champ played for the Denver Broncos, his last 10 season and played the first 5 seasons for the Redskins. Champ bailey will always be loved by Denver Broncos fans. Good luck Champ in your future ventures.
Much love,
U.G.L.Y. Utah Girls Love You
Happy Cat Day!!!
U.G.L.Y. wants to wish all you cat lovers a Happy National Cat Day. Please enjoy this cute cat picture. It's Hump Day today, we are halfway through the week and keep up the hard work. If you can offer a helping hand jump on the opportunity it's a wonderful feeling.
Give your a cat a big hug and maybe a little special treat for National Cat Day!!
Happiness is truth..
Please contact us at utahgirlsloveyou@gmail.com, if there's anything we can do to help.
Much love,
U.G.L.Y. Utah Girls Love You
Marvelous Monday!!!
U.G.L.Y. wants to wish everyone a wonderful and productive Monday. Think positive. Everyone is so busy everyday life, it can be very easy to follow a negative path. So, if you have the opportunity to give a helping hand, we suggest that you take that opportunity by horns. This new outlook and positive journey in our lives has shown us that helping others is truly the most gratifying feeling thus far..
Photo taken in our beautiful Provo canyon.
Positive = Positive Happiness is Truth
Much love, U.G.L.Y Utah Girls Love You
Fabulous Friday!!!
U.G.L.Y. wants to wish everyone a fabulous and productive Friday. We are so excited for T.G.I.F, the weather will be getting a little cooler, but there are many of great things going on this weekend here in our great state of Utah. Oh ya! Oh ya! So, make sure you are prepare for the weather changes!!
We know that the path with the greatest resistance is the one with the greatest outcome. We are only given what we can handle and what we do with it is ours. The path may seem extremely unbearable, and we may think that there is no way we can do what we need to, or handle what we’ve been given. But…. YOU CAN. Yes you can do it! Believe you can do it. Deep down in your soul. We are all given the strength to do anything. Yes You can!
Through this journey of developing U.G.L.Y. Utah Girls Love You, we have seen our share of negativity. But truly understanding that our reaction is key to changing the negative into a positive. With U.G.L.Y. starting from the basement floor with a small idea and we still have the passion and drive to stomp our way to make differences here in Utah, it is truly our ULTIMATE goal for U.G.L.Y.
U.G.L.Y. is enjoying sticking to our motto of “Positive = Positive”.
NO to Negative!!!!! Do not allow it!! Anywhere in your life. Life is to short……. It’s up to you. Your world is as beautiful as you make it!
So…..Make it Yours!!!!! Live, Laugh, Love and make the World Smile Today!!
Have a Fabulous Friday!! Thank you to the skies above and being Grateful. Please offer a simple smile that may change someone entire day.
If we can help please contact us at utahgirlsloveyou@gmail.com
Much Love,
U.G.L.Y. Utah Girls Love You
Thriving Thursday!!!
U.G.L.Y. wants to wish everyone a thriving and productive Thursday. I woke up thinking this quote," I never said it would be easy, I only said it would be worth it". This hits close to home daily and I do appreciate being able to reach out and I only hope to offer a helping hands others. The. challenges for today is to make someone smile. We never know what others have on their plate and we can not assume we know what someone is thinking or feeling. It’s a simple challenge today and we hope everyone takes this challenge from U.G.L.Y. with offering a small gesture of kindness and we hope it is to a stranger. So, get out there and help make in a difference in someone day or maybe their life.
We have been on a mission here at Utah Girls Love You to offer a helping hand to whom wants take our gestures to make a difference in people’s lives with simple things such as; accepting and loving people no matter their status or circumstances. OUR GOAL IS TO JUST BE ACCEPTING TO ALL FELLOW UTAHNS OR AMERICANS, THIS IS SOMETHING VERY IMPORTANT TO US AND TO TEACH OUR CHILDREN DIVERSITY, NONJUDGMENTAL, AND LAST BUT NOT LEAST ALWAYS OFFER A HELPING HAND TO THOSE WHOM ARE NEED!!!!!
Happiness is truth…
If we can do anything to give a helping hand please contact us at utahgirlsloveyou@gmail.com
Please leave your comments when you take the challenge or the end result or experience with our challenge. We love the feedback, we will take any suggestions to how we can help more.
Much love,
U.G.L.Y. Utah Girls Lou
It's Hump Day!!!
U.G.L.Y wishes everyone a wonderful and productive Wednesday aka "Hump Day". Yes! It's hump day and we have made it half through the week(deep breath). We hope you all have had an amazing one too! It is such a blessing to be able to Help others and actually make a difference for the good in peoples lives…….Simply Amazing.:)
Once again….Thank you everyone for all the Love and Support! You all Rock beyond words!!!!
When we SEE the bigger picture.,accept it, and live life in a POSITIVE WAY…..It just keeps on coming. We know… and believe with all of hearts. Do your best at all your do, whistle while you work and laugh! Laugh as much as you can. Its so good for the soul!! AND VERY CONTAGIOUS!! :)
We really only have 2 choices. We can choose to be HAPPY…. or choose not to be. Personally……we choose HAPPY. :) It brings more Happy and Life is too Short to not be Happy!!
Life is Life and there will always be curve balls coming from somewhere. But, as long as we take it for what it is. Be grateful for what we have. Spread Love, laugh and be happy… Things will work out as long as you try everyday!!! Keep your eyes open. Their are signs everywhere and in everything, if you want to see them.
Try it for one day. SEE and HEAR everything around you. Pay attention. Open up your soul, inhale everything piece of knowledge possible, and implement with positive vibes. Everything does happen for a reason. It may not make sense at that moment, but it will eventually show the reason. Pay attention to everything. Its kinda strange and marvelous at the same time!!
We are so EXCITED for tomorrow and everyday to come! We have lots of big things on the horizon. We can not wait to share our love, try to inspire, and help others. Everybody’s perception of reality is different.. But we all know in our souls the truth. It's there! Open up and let it in!! Lets have a GOOD life!!
Shout Outs tomorrow! yay!!! Please Let us know if there is anything we can do for you ! Reach us at utahgirlsloveyou@gmail.com
Have a great day!!
Much Love,
U.G.L.Y. Utah Girls Love You
Terrific Tuesday!!!
U.G.L.Y hopes everyone a terrific and productive Tuesday!! What a great day! The weather has been holding up very well. When, I saw this quote I knew it would be great to help inspire everyone today. I hope that it reaches everyone the way it touched us. Enjoying everyday and being thankful for all you have is key to achieving a positive attitude.
Things can only get better and better as long as you are wanting it to get better. Taking certain steps such as, keep the positive flowing, think positive, and be loving. It's simple steps but being truly positive is actually very difficult task to achieve everyday. It will work. Believe. Have faith that it will.
Keep your eyes open for all the signs around you and let them in. The signs are everywhere. We believe that Everything happens for a reason. Life is like a big puzzle, and suddenly….the pieces start fitting and then it begins to make more sense. It will happen!!!!
Stay strong through all of the challenges life throws your way and think of them as learning blocks. The good. The bad. and the U.G.L.Y….. ;) all will work out if you are working on it each and everyday. Keep on smiling no matter what and believe in Positive=Positive
Keep your eyes on U.G.L.Y and help us help all be Happy. Single Mommy Project details coming soon!!!
Have a great day. If we can help contact us at utahgirlsloveyou@gmail.com Facebook UGLY utah girls love you
Much Love,
U.G.L.Y. Utah Girls Love You.
Happy Monday!!!
U.G.L.Y. wants to wish everyone a marvelous and productive Monday!!!
We are pushing to spread the word of our message. The message that has saved our lives and also given us the strength to continue to grow with our personal goals. Message: Be strong, educated, spiritual, and giving to others. We are wanting to make the differences needed to help anyone that is willing to find growth, love, and happiness from our message.
Through our journey of developing U.G.L.Y. Utah Girls Love You, we have seen our fair share of negativity. But truly understanding that our reaction is key to changing the negative into a positive. With U.G.L.Y. starting from the basement floor with a small idea and we still have the passion and drive to stomp our way to make differences here in Utah, it is truly our ULTIMATE goal for U.G.L.Y.
U.G.L.Y. is enjoying sticking to our motto of “Positive = Positive”.
So, time for trying new things, taking chances on yourself, and breaking down the walls in order to be yourself.
Let’s get out there everyone and make a difference.. Stay tuned for the information on the Single Mommy Project, developing this project has been such a great opportunity for us to get out in the community and see the needs of others. So, we are working on it daily to reach out to others with our helping hand. We will have details to come soon!! Watch for shout outs and lets help support locally owned and operating Utah businesses.
Truth is Happiness
Have a great Monday!!!!
Much Love,
U.G.L.Y. Utah Girls Love You
Shout Out!!!
U.G.L.Y. is so excited for this event. Check them out and support a this great cause.
Goal is to raise 50,000 for the women and children's crisis center..
Girls get ready to get your "witchy on" and dance the night away! While helping to raise money for The Center for Women and Children in Crisis
Photo Booth - Food - Adult Beverages - Dancing - Fortune Tellers - Black Carpet - Prizes for Best Costumes - Silent Auction - Raffle - Door Prizes - plus so much more!!!
Come support our cause - have a great time and meet new friends!
Tickets are $25.00- Women only, 21 & Older; 100% of all proceeds will be donated.
Tickets can be purchased online or at one of the following locations; Vanity Hair Salon; Orem - Mindi 801-361-1966 Potions Salon; Orem - Adrienne 801-592-4132 Joe Bandidos Restaurant; Springville - Ruth 801-853-1500 Permanent Cosmetics; Lehi - Debbie 801-764-9159 High Vibes; Orem - Lisa 801-360-6909 Wasatch Massage; Provo - Allison 801-373-9681
For more information please visit our website at: www.sistersofthemoon.us
Happy Thursday!!!
U.G.L.Y. wants to wish everyone a thrilling and productive Thursday. We have been given the opportunity to give a helping hand to Utah families with clothing for the children. We have been seeking families that made need a little bit getting prepared for colder seasons and make sure the kids have appropriate items needed. Through donations, we have been collecting clothes and in turn give them out to the public with no cost. Through community awareness we have been able to reach out to individuals who are wanting to help themselves and looking for other opportunities in life. These families are incredible and fill completely blessed to have them in our lives.
U.G.L.Y. has been able to empathize on more of a personal level with these families, especially the single mommy’s. I can tell you all on a personal level, that it is not a easy thing to do and just get by day by day. Wondering each day to yourself,”how will we will make it through the day!” It is true a challenge for these to provide a warm meal, appropriate clothes, and last but not least provide a stable roof over the kiddos heads. So, we are wanting to give a helping hand to single mommy with our Single mommy project we are developing. We will send out information soon please stay tuned to see what will we doing with this great service project and where you can get involve with this awesome helping hands.
Happiness is truth..
If we can give a helping hand please contact us @ utahgirlsloveyou@gmail.com
Much love,
U.G.L.Y. Utah Girls Love You
Happy Wednesday!!!
U.G.L.Y. wants wish everyone a wonderful and productive Wednesday/ Hump day. We are have half through this week, take a deep breath and the weekend will be here. We are coming upon the last warm days here in Utah. The weather is not to predictable after September, we can turn and have snow on the ground, rather than on the peaks of our beautiful Rocky mountains. Like we all witness just a couple weeks ago in July in the middle of July we had snow on the mountains. Only in Utah but that is why we love it here so much its completely unpredictable.
U.G.L.Y. is sticking by our motto Positive=Positive
We are pushing to spread the word and give our message. The message that has saved our lives and given us the strength to continue to grow our own personal goals. Being strong, educated, spiritual, giving individuals. Who are here to make the differences needed to help anyone that will find growth, love, and happiness from our message.
So… time for trying new things, taking chances on yourself, and breaking down the walls in order to be yourself.
No matter what life throws at you. Take it…look at it….think about it…..and realize why it is making you feel the way you do. And know that your reaction is yours. We can react anyway…but keep it positive. Find the best in every situation. You must!!
Live in the Moment!!! Happily!!!
Have a Beautiful Blessed Day!!!
If we can help please contact us at utahgirlsloveyou@gmail.com fb UGLY utah girls love you
Much Love,
U.G.L.Y. Utah Girls Love You
Happy Tuesday!!!
Happy Tuesday!!!