Marvelous Monday!!!

<a href="">20141117_063110 U.G.L.Y. wants wish everyone a marvelous and productive Monday. U.G.L.Y.'S Single Mommy Project was a great success. We were able get a fabulous group of single mommies help out with handing out water, bananas, blankets, coats, and 25+ bags of clothes. Giving back to Utahns that are less fortunate and living in the cold. This was an eye opening experience for many of our moms to see the struggles local Utahns suffer through everyday. Realizing that the need for help is out there and so close to home and it doesn't take much to help to offer a helping hand to others. We truly appreciate the awesome work with donations and others helping hands. Especially want to thank Kid to Kid in Lindon, Healthwatch, family, and friends for all the donations. Single mommy project was developed to help single Utah parents with a helping hand to find themselves and having the proper tools needed to be best parents and fulfill their children's needs. Utah Girls Love You wants to help give the skills we have or have developed to others.

Positive= Positive Happiness is truth..

Have a marvelous day and if you can offer helping and we urge you to do so. If we can help with anything please contact us

Muah, U.G.L.Y. Utah Girls Love You