U.G.L.Y. wants you all to have your Tuesday the way you want it!! Life is to short to dwell on negative or let negative circumstances influence your whole world. Your reaction is yours. To whatever the circumstance. Make it a positive one. Change it up, make it yours, and SEE what happens.
Keep only positive beings and vibes in your life. You will always get so much farther. Trust. U.G.L.Y. knows. The negative brings negative. So.....
Saying Thank Yous to the skies everyday all the time. And being eternally grateful for what we do have makes all the difference in the world. The Strength is inside you for anything you want.....you just have to search for it. It's there. Open up your soul. Open up your eyes..... SEE.
Trust in your angels. They really are there. There to help you. Just ask. And stay positive, stay true. Bring back your innocence.
Trust in Love. We as human beings, or any being. Are made to love. Its what we are here for. Spread love. Be love. And most importantly stay Happy.
We have 2 choices.....
To be happy. Or not to be happy. The choice is yours.
Have a beautiful Day.
Much Love,
U.G.L.Y. Utah Girls Love You
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