U.G.L.Y. is hoping you are smiling and making this Monday a great one. As best you can. Always.
Every one of us have things that we allow to happen and keep happening,. We must look at it and see why that is. You have to break your own inner silence and cycle and see the light out of the black hole that you keep falling into. Whatever it may be. Big or Small. Sometimes it seems like its a Hole that will never end. When Really....REEEAAAllllYYY....there IS a bright light and a Shiny New World that really is so much closer than we all think. It's there. Want it. You have to Want it.
The Path of Greatest Resistance is generally the one with the Greatest Outcome. Trust Yourself. Have Faith. WANT IT! And always know what your boundaries are. Stick to them.
Have a great rest of your Monday. Its almost over!!!
Much Love,
U.G.L.Y. Utah Girls Love You
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