U.G.L.Y. wants to wish everyone a marvelous and productive Monday. We hope, you all will make Monday your Fun-day! We all can dread Mondays and maybe some, even hate Mondays. But if we just change our way of thinking, we surely can make Mondays, our Fun-day!!
Positive comes from Positive. So, if you want to make today a great day. Change your Attitude, TRY and find the good in it, and understand purpose for situation.
Is it right? When the people say, "everything happens for a reason". Well, We believe there's truth to that statement. We are living by our motto, Positive=Positive and hope that we are showing our growth everyday. We hope that, we are being a positive influence for everyone and together, we can work together and give back to our thriving community. We hope together, we will all see that its all a great big puzzle and all the pieces do fit together.
Let's all have a Fun-day today! Make others laugh, and keep your smile on! Make it yours.
Have a wonderful day! Enjoy it! Live, Laugh, Love….
If we can help please contact Jazmine at-utahgirlsloveyou@gmail.com
U.G.L.Y.Utah Girls Love You