U.G.L.Y. knows......we know......that it is going to be a GREAT DAY!!! Happy Friday!!!!
Heavens got a plan for you!! For us all!! We have to open up our souls and our hearts and our EYES and SEE. Let it all in. Make your world yours. There is inspiration in everything. Its everywhere. Whatever you may be doing or trying to do. Look around you. The sky , the grass, the person next to you. Its all around. Find it. Work for it.
Lets all be Happy today and make everyone else around us Happy! LIFE IS TO SHORT TO BE ANYTHING BUT HAPPY!!! ....But it's all up to you! Its your world! Make others smile and laugh today and see what happens to you when you do.
Have a beautiful day. Keep smiling no matter what. Do not allow negative....no no...
Yes to happy!!
Much love,
U.G.L.Y. Utah Girls Love You
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