U.G.L.Y. is wishing you all a Beautiful Saturday. Such a glorious, warm, day to be outside day in Utah!!!
Goodness the Mountains look amazing with the snow cap and all the trees in bloom. Perfect picture weather folks!!
Get out and Suck in the Serotonin!!!
Keep your day Positive. Look at all the beauty around you and in everything you do, and in all the people you see and know. Life is too short to be anything but Happy!! And remember...when it's the worst is when you have to try the hardest. Let your guard down to the good. Find it. Feel it. Believe it. Be it....
Its in you. Anything you want. Make every situation yours. It is yours. And it will ALWAYS be what you make it.
Say your thank yous to the skies today and be grateful for everything you do have.
Have a Beautiful Day...
Much Love,
U.G.L.Y. Utah Girls Love You
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