U.G.L.Y. wants wish everyone terrific and productive Tuesday. We also want to bring awareness to international day for the abolition slavery day. Over 21 million men, women, and children are trapped in slavery all over the world. This has stop and we can all have a part in bring awareness to this morally wrong and inhuman behavior.
"In the 19th century, the international community came together to declare slavery an affront to our common humanity. Today, governments, civil society and the private sector must unite to eradicate all contemporary forms of slavery, including forced labor. Together, let us do our utmost for the millions of victims throughout the world who are held in slavery and deprived of their human rights and dignity."
Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon Message for the International Day for the Abolition of Slavery 2 December 2014
Check out this website for more information-http://www.iloartworks.org/take-action/take-action-against-forced-labour/
Truth is Happiness...
Have a terrific day and make sure if you have the change offer a helping hand tis the season.
U.G.L.Y. Utah Girls Love You