U.G.L.Y. hopes everyone is having a wonderful, wild, wacky and productive Wednesday a.k.a Hump Day. Okay! Take a deep breathe, we are almost there to completing another fabulous week. I heard this today and I had to share, because it put a smile on my face and I have smiled each time I thought or said have a wonderful, wild, and wacky Wednesday. Its funny how something so small and made a bit corny, can make the difference in someone day. So, the challenge is to bring a smile to anyone you come in contact with today.
I wanted to give thank to you all that has supported U.G.L.Y.’s Helping Hands and Single Mommy’s Project.We are so excited about the upcoming events and to share the a small piece of, how little it takes to offer a helping hand to others, may not be as fortunate as other or has just simply ran into hard times. Remember, we can never be too sure, as to others feelings or the obstacles one is going through, but by just being kind and maybe, hopefully, you’ll be able to offer a helping hand to others.
If can help someone you know that may need household items, clothing, shoes, and etc please contact Jazmine at utahgirlsloveyou@gmail.com, word of mouth is how are continue our mission in giving back to our fellow Utahans, so please contact and if we have it, it’s yours for FREE..
U.G.L.Y. Utah Girls Love You