U.G.L.Y. wants to wish everyone a happy and safe New Year's Eve. We are super excited to start 2015 with a bang. We hope you all have make one promise to yourselves for the upcoming year and we hope it is to live by our motto "Positive=Positive". We can tell you all that by living our lives with this purpose, has not only changed our lived but it has also changed our families and close friend's lives as well. So, no matter what the promise is that you make to yourself. Make sure that you follow through, this is truly the only way you can see if makes a difference in your life is to follow through.
Stay safe and positive celebrating this amazing new start in our lives 2015.
Happiness is truth...
If we can so anything to help please contact us @ utahgirlsloveyou@gmail.com
U.G.L.Y. Utah Girls Love You