U.G.L.Y. wants to wish everyone marvelous and productive Monday!!! Okay! It's the beginning of the week and our to-do-list continues to grow, during this busy time of year. So, lets start the day off with believing in yourself, reach for the stars, and make your dreams come to light. Through hard work, belief, and determination dreams can become a reality!!
Challenge for today is be kind and offer a helping hand. So, it could be as small as a smile, opening the door, or if you know that someone is struggling offer that helping hand.
We are pushing ourselves SUPER hard these days here at Utah Girls Love You. Our helping hand project is getting a great response and appreciate the involvement our hopes to give back to the to struggling Utahns. So far, we have received a great response with developing our "Bag of Hope". So excited and thank you for all of the love and support with our journey of making a difference in Utahns’ lives.
Positive=Positive is our true motto and gives us the drive everyday to get up and put at least one smile on one person’s face.
Truth is Happiness
Have a Marvelous Monday!!!!
U.G.L.Y. Utah Girls Love You
If we can help contact us @ utahgirlsloveyou@gmail.com