Fresh... Free... Friday...


U.G.L.Y. is wishing you all a Fabulous Friday! Time to get fresh! Be Free! and enjoy!!!  ;)

Yes sir....It's Friday again! The day we all seem to rejoice and celebrate making it through another week. Weeks that are filled with trials and tribulations it always seems. But when we get to Friday...They all seem to melt away.  

Put your hands in the air. Live life to the fullest and be grateful for EVERYTHING. Everything happens for a reason and... it is what it is.

Gratitude brings more goodness to your life. Thankfulness brings more Things to be Thankful for. And Keeping Happy matters the most. Stay Positive. Always.



Truth... Truth. We must stay true. Be good and Love. Treat others the way you would want to be treated and try, try, try to make all the people  in your world smile! 

Its Friday!! Let loose and Don't take everything so serious. Our lives are Ours, and they will be what we make it. 

So have a Fabulous Friday!!!

Much Love,

U.G.L.Y.      Utah Girls Love You
