U.G.L.Y. SAYS HELLO!! We hope you all are enjoying this Beautiful Spring weather we are having. Its like a new life has started when spring arrives. We get out. We do things. New things grow. And New things Bloom. As in Life. We are never stuck, Or should we ever believe that. We can have whatever we want in life. You must Believe. Make your world your own, and Manifest yourself , what you want.
Stay Positive. It can never be said Enough. It is Truth. You must. When life knocks you down....its a test. A test to see what you are really made of. We all have it in us. We are all born with it. We just must find it. And hold onto it. Grow. Be. Live.
Happiness is the TRUTH!!
Get out ....Suck in the Serotonin!! What a beautimus day!!! ;)
No matter what life throws at you. Take it...look at it....think about it.....and realize why it is making you feel the way you do. And know that your reaction is yours. We can react anyway...but keep it positive. Find the best in every situation. You must!!
Live in the Moment!!! Happily!!!
Have a Beautiful Blessed Day!!!
Much Love,
U.G.L.Y. Utah Girls Love You!
Stay tuned. Much more to come!!!
email us with any questions. utahgirlsloveyou@gmail.com