U.G.L.Y. wants to wish everyone a open-minded and productive Thursday!!!
The subject of enabling has came up in almost every conversation recently. The conversations have been about how we ENABLE.
We as PARENTS, are enabling our children into the lifestyle of pain and struggles. The more, we continue excusing on our behavior as parents, the harder it is to undo the enabling. We are only setting a stronger foundation for our children to fall and not have the necessary skills needed to fall, pick themselves off, brushes their knees off, and keep on running. I am frightened for our future generations that are completely unable to fall… and then need their parents help them get back up.
We now have a society, that grandparents are raising children. Simply, because mothers and fathers are loosing to drugs over their children on a daily basis. I understand this is a strong statement. I hope that we are all open-minded and look at the problem of drug abuse, which is doubling everyday here in Utah.
Make a difference
Truth is Happiness…
If we can help please contact Jazmine Utahgirlsloveyou@gmail.com
U.G.L.Y. Utah Girls Love You